
また、いくつかの著名なファンドのリミテッド・パートナーでもあります。次世代の起業家を支援することへの情熱の一環として、ハーバード大学、マサチューセッツ工科大学、コーネル大学などの大学で定期的に講演や講義を行っています。また、TechStars、Extreme StarsやExtreme Startups、MassChallengeのメンターも務めています。

Chang founded i2hub, a popular file-sharing network connecting over 400 universities via Internet2. With i2hub, he teamed up with the Winklevoss twins to form "The Winklevoss Chang Group," in its battle with early Facebook (depicted in The Social Network). Subsequently, Chang helped found Dropbox, and with Drew Houston, recruited co-founder Arash Ferdowsi, and with both Drew and Arash, pitched Dropbox to Paul Graham at Y Combinator.

He then co-founded multiple successful tech startups. Crashlytics, with Jeff Seibert, which was acquired by Twitter in its then-largest acquisition where he then served as GM of Twitter's developer platform. Crashlytics was acquired by Google from Twitter, and is now the leading mobile SDK installed and used on over 7 billion devices (monthly). He also co-founded Digits, an applied AI company valued at ~$600 million, and Patented.ai, his second applied AI company focused on high-stakes litigation tools. His latest startup is Reasoner, the reasoning engine for applications that demand the highest precision and accuracy.
